for Thicker and stronger Hair Growth 

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The DIY Hustle

Rosemary - a fragrant herb found in our gardens is not only cherished for its culinary uses but also for magical benefits on hair 

Studies show that consistent application of rosemary results in a significant increase in hair count. 

Rosemary stimulates Blood circulation, Increased blood flow means more nutrients to hair follicles, which means more growth.

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Rosemary inhibits DHT production, potentially slowing down hair loss and supporting the growth of healthier strands.

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Massaging hair with rosemary prevents hair thinning. Ursolic acid found in rosemary has anti androgenic properties. 

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3ways to use rosemary for hair growth 

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Way 1

Rosemary oil: Gently massage the rosemary oil into the scalp. Leave for 30 mins and wash with a mild shampoo. 

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Way 2

Rosemary water:  Prepare rosemary infused water by steeping rosemary in hot water.  Let it cool and transfer to a spray bottle. Spray and massage to promote shine and stimulate growth.

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Way 3

Rosemary Hair Mask: combine rosemary oil with aloe vera and honey to make a nourishing mask. Apply and leave for 30 mins before washing. 

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Incorporate it in your hair routine and embrace the power of rosemary and unlock the secrets to healthier and thicker hair.