The DIY Hustle

Best Homemade Hair Oil – One oil for all your Hair Problems

homemade hair growth oil

Hello there,

Today I have an authentic south Indian Homemade Hair oil recipe for you all that is going to take away all your hair problems. During Pregnancy my locks were extremely healthy, I had not grown such a thick mane in ages. Oh, “Your Hair looks Amazing!”- the only compliment I would get when I was pregnant.  My locks were voluminous and lustrous, thanks to the pregnancy hormones. However, post-pregnancy hair fall came like a Huge blow to me!! They were falling off in clumps, it was unsettling and I thought I will lose all my hair!

Although,  yes it’s a natural and a temporary process that your hair is gonna fall off for the first six months, one must take care to maintain those locks. So, I tried this homemade Hair oil recipe and I am definitely witnessing good results. If you have been sailing on the same boat, do not worry! This homemade hair growth oil could be the solution you are looking for. If you are dealing with Postpartum hair loss or Hair problems in general, either way, this recipe is great for everyone.

Let’s find out how to make and use this hair growth oil.

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In here you will find

  • What all you need to make the Homemade Hair Growth Oil at home ??

  • Why you should add this to your Haircare routine ??

  • How is this going to work for you ??

  • How to make and store Homemade Hair Growth Oil ??

What all you need to make the Hair Growth Oil at home ??

  • Castor oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Olive oil (optional)
  • Curry Leaves
  • Fenugreek ( Methi seeds)
  • Aloe Vera Gel
  • Hibiscus Flowers
  • Hibiscus Leaves
  • Onion peel
  • Tulsi leaves (optional)
  • Essential Oils – Avocado, Lavender, Rosemary, Argan
  • Bottle for Storage

Why you should add this to your Haircare routine ??

Curry Leaves –

What makes this recipe so promising is the star ingredient “Curry leaves” which are known for there tremendous benefits. Packed with antioxidants, nutrients these leaves not only enhance the flavor of our food but also boost hair growth, prevent thinning, premature graying, and hair fall.

Curry leaves are rich in Carbohydrates, proteins, fibers, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, copper, minerals, etc. Also loaded with vitamins such as Nicotinic acid, B, A, C, E, antioxidants, flavonoids, and amino acids. Apart from the tremendous health benefits these leaves provide, they also possess the ability to fight dandruff, scalp acne, hair fall, and several hair problems. When combined with coconut oil, this acts as a potent “Hair Tonic”  and stimulates hair growth.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is an excellent Moisturizer, a deep conditioner, and is great for nurturing your flaky scalp. A hot oil Massage not only boosts circulation but also de-stresses your mind and transforms your deadlocks into Healthy, full of life, Glossy Hair.

Also, read the top 10 ways to use coconut oil for skin and hair here.

Castor Oil

Sourced from the castor bean, castor oil is rich in Ricinoleic Acid- a fatty acid that balances the pH and fights inflammations. It is rich in Vit E, proteins, minerals, and fatty acids like Omega-6 and Omega-9. Moreover, it has antibacterial and antifungal properties, helps against various infections and buildup. People have seen promising results in hair growth after consistent use of this oil. Its highly viscous and thick nature enhances the health of the hair follicle thereby, accelerating hair growth.  It prevents hair fall and makes the hair stronger.

Olive Oil

Rich in Omega -3 Fatty acids, olive oil is well known for Nourishing and boosting hair growth. It’s an amazing conditioner that makes hair healthier, stronger, and shinier.

Fenugreek  (Methi seeds)

The oldest staple in Indian household offers a myriad of benefits. Fenugreek Seeds are packed with nutrients that promote hair growth and preserve the natural hair color while encouraging new hair growth.


Not only the Flowers, but also the leaves of hibiscus are extensively rich in Anthocyanins, Hibiscus is a natural source of Alpha Hydroxy Acids(AHA) that speeds up cell rejuvenation, reverses damage from harmful UV rays, and gives you a natural Facelift. Vit.C present in the flower exfoliates and prevents breakouts. It offers promising benefits for Hair and you can use hibiscus to dye your hair red. It helps to restore the natural color of your hair and provide all essential nutrients for healthy and glossy hair.

Do not miss out on Six amazing beauty Benefits of Hibiscus here.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera gel stimulates hair growth by strengthening the lashes. When coupled with Castor oil and other ingredients in this hair growth oil,  it conditions hair, keeps them soft, reduces shedding, and promotes hair growth to make them fuller.

Onion Peel 

Onion is rich in sulfur, hence it minimizes the breakage and prevents thinning of the hair. They have antibacterial properties that fight scalp infections. However, onions have a really pungent smell which makes it difficult to use on your hair. That is why I like to use onion peel instead which has twice the number of antioxidants than the onion itself.

Kalonji (Black Seeds)

Rich in Linoleic acid, kalonji, also known as Black seeds, is like a superfood for your Hair. Regular use of the black seed oil has been reported to promote significant improvement in hair density and thickness.  It contains Thymoquinone that has antioxidant, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Argan Oil-

Argan oil is great for hair growth as it is loaded with Vit. E, ferulic acid, fatty acids, polyphenols, and sterols. Ferulic acid is an antioxidant that prevents radical damage and reduces the oxidative stress that causes hair to fall. Sterols help in keeping the hair hydrated, promote elasticity, and shine.


promotes faster and longer hair growth also helps moisturize the hair which prevents damage and further breakage.


Avocado is high in protein, it penetrates the hair, smoothes the hair cuticles. Works amazing for frizzy hair.


Rosemary unclogs the hair follicles, promotes scalp circulation thereby Stimulating thicker hair growth.

How is this going to work for you ??

Regular use of this Hair oil is going to improve the overall health of the hair. Thanks to the ingredients mentioned above.

  • This will encourage faster hair growth.
  • Keep your hair nourished and take away the frizz, keeping them moisturized.
  • Promote elasticity, impart shine, and improve the health of the hair shaft, hence promoting thicker hair growth.
  • Restore the natural color of your hair and provide all essential nutrients for healthy hair.
  • Reduce hair loss, split ends,  and hair breakage.
  • Prevent Thinning, Strengthen, and add volume to the hair.

How to make and store Hair Growth Oil ??

best homemade hair oil


To make this Miracle Hair oil Recipe, First of all, you need to gather all the ingredients. Then, take a deep bottomed pan, put it on the medium flame stove, To this add 2-3 cups of coconut oil,1 cup of olive oil, half a cup castor oil, and let it heat. Now start adding your ingredients, 1 handful of curry leaves, 5-6 hibiscus flowers and few hibiscus leaves, tulsi leaves few pieces of aloe vera (peeled), some onion skin, 3 Tsp of black seeds,(kalonji), and Fenugreek seeds (methi) each. Add few rose petals and let it simmer on low flame until the whole mixture turns brown. Turn off the stove, let it cool and then sieve it. Now we will add our essential oils. Add 10 drops of rosemary, argan, avocado, lavender each. Stir the mixture and transfer it to a bottle. This oil can be stored for two to three months. just make sure no residue settles on the bottom of your bottle.

How to use this Hair Growth oil ??

I would suggest if you have time then please use this thrice a week, the day before you shampoo your hair. Just warm it up a bit and apply all over your scalp, leave it overnight and wash off the next day. Also, you can apply it one hour before you shampoo if you do not have enough time.

Apart from using this oil regularly for two-three months, also try to maintain a healthy diet and be gentle with your hair. Do not stress and take all the necessary supplements after consulting your practitioner. As calcium and postpartum thyroiditis can also cause result in excessive hair fall.

So, here is the Homemade Hair Oil Recipe,  this will give you a 100% result, I can bet on it. Do give it a try,  I am sure this won’t let you down. One Oil for all your Hair Problems. If you want some more information or have any suggestions, Just drop an email or comment down below. I will be happy to help !!

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Amisha Gaur

Your Go-To -Girlfriend for all things DIY, crafts, décor, organization, natural beauty, skincare treatments, and budget Amazon, finds.